 OFFICE OF THE MISSION DIRECTOR NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION, ASSAM Saikia Commercial Complex, Sri Nagar Path, Near Post office Bus Stand G. S. Road, Christianbasti, Guwahati - 781005 Website : https://nhm.assam.gov.in E_mail ID : [email protected]
File No: NHM/PROC/RC-DRUGS/ECL-LIL/3407/2017-18/SPO-10511 |
Date: 31/03/2018 |
J.V.N. Subramanyam, IAS
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Sontex Rolled Bandage Works 15-C Sector-B,Sanwer Road,Industrial Area,Indore(M.P)
Supply order for Essential Consumables & Linens.
Your quotation against NHM, Assam Tender No. NHM/PROC/RC-DRUGS/ECL-LIL/3407/2017-18/18012,Date:-23.09.2017 & Corregendum No.NHM/PROC/RC-DRUGS/ECL-LIL/3407/2017-18 /20741,Date:-27.10.2017
With reference to above, we are pleased to place this order for supply of Essential Consumables & Linens as per “DETAILS OF ITEMS & PRICES” and “TERMS & CONDITIONS” stated herein below:
FMR Code : "State budget for free Drugs"
Item Name |
Quantity |
Rate (Incl. of GST) |
Total Amount |
Delivery Destinations |
Bed Sheet ( Superior quality long cloth bleached sp-187-1978 variety 2) 254 cm x 137 cm, 425 gm. (254 cm x 137 cm, 425 gm. ) |
19350 |
194.250 |
3,758,737.50 |
As per annexure
A |
PPE Kit double packed with ETO sterilised. (Each kit has disposable: Cap-1,N-95 mask -1, Zero powered goggles -1 pair, Gloves-1 pair, Shoe cover up to knee length-1 pair, Coverall-1 , Disposable waste collection bag-1. ) |
3000 |
116.550 |
349,650.00 |
As per annexure
A |
Grand Total |
4,108,387.50 |
Terms & Conditions of the Supply order is described below: -
Supplier have to supply the ordered items to Regional Drug Ware Houses/ District Drug Ware houses/Medical College Drug Ware Houses located at different districts of the state of Assam as per the Annexure enclosed with the supply order .
- DELIVERY PERIOD : Supply shall commence within best possible time from the date of placement of order and supply of full quantity should be completed within 60 days from the date of issuing the supply order . Supply of items should be in Generic name (Molecule name/Chemical Composition/Active Ingredients). Supplier need to inform NHM Authority on weekly basis or as when required by the NHM, regarding the details of dispatch of essential drugs to the different destinations as mentioned at Annexure. Supplier also needs to communicate officially to the designated Officials of the District/Regional/Central/Medical College ware houses before 7days prior to commencement of delivery of ordered drugs.
- PROVIDING LOGO & BAR CODING : Items shall be supplied with NHM logo and inscriptions on packing/packages as NHM ASSAM SUPPLY- NOT FOR SALE (NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION-FREE DRUG SERVICE). Embossment of logo on tablets, capsules, vials, ampoules, bottles, tubes,packets,Roll etc. as the case may be, and for supply of tablets/capsules in strips as per conditions specified elsewhere in this document and for 1D GS1 bar coding on tertiary and secondary packing of the supplies as per specifications given elsewhere in the bid document.
- TEST REPORT: Supplier must submit Batch wise Test Analysis report (in original) from NABL Certified Labs for every batch of items before commencement of supply. The bidder shall supply the goods to the designated warehouses, only after receipt of Despatch Clearance letter from the Tender Inviting Authority/Procuring Agency. Attested copy of NABL certificate of concerned Laboratory must be submitted along with the batch wise Test Analysis Report every time .
- DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS : The Supplier shall supply the product to reach the designated warehouse/ consignee within 90 days from the date of manufacture of that product. In case, the product is received after 90 days from date of manufacture and the product is not consumed before its expiry date the supplier shall be permitted to replace the expired quantity with fresh stock of longer shelf life, otherwise the expired product will be returned to the supplier and the value equal to the cost of expired quantity will be recovered.
The order stands cancelled after the expiration of delivery period, and if the extension is not granted with or without liquidated damages. Apart from risk/alternate purchase action, the Bidder shall also suffer forfeiture of the performance security and shall invite other penal action like blacklisting/Debarring disqualification from participating in present and future Bids of Bid Inviting Authority/ordering authority.
- SHELF LIFE : All supplies will be scheduled for the period from the date of purchase order till the date of completion stipulated in the purchase order. The supplied items (covered under Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940) should have shelf life period as prescribed in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and rules there under. All other items of Drugs should have shelf–life of minimum 2 years (as per Pharmacopoeia) from the date of manufacture. The items should be supplied within 90 days from the date of manufacture.
The labeled shelf life of items supplied should be not less than the period mentioned against each item in list of items (Annexure-VIII). The remaining shelf life of the items at the time of delivery should not be less than ¾ of the labeled shelf life. Only those bidders shall quote who can manufacture and supply the product with the required shelf life. The product of labeled shelf life lesser than required shelf life will not be accepted. The product should not have such storage condition requiring it to be stored below 2°C. Quality Assurance: The supplier shall guarantee that the products as packed for shipment (a) comply with all provisions of specifications and related documents, (b) meet the recognized standards for safety, efficacy and quality, (c) are fit for the purpose made, (d) are free from defects in workmanship and in materials and (e) the product has been manufactured as per WHO-GMP. In case of imported items the remaining shelf life of 60% or more may be accepted with an undertaking that the firm will replace the unused expired stores with fresh goods. However, firms supplying drugs with remaining shelf life of 75% or more need not submit such undertaking.
- SECURITY DEPOSIT : The supplier , within 10 working days from date of receipt of the Purchase Order shall submit Security Deposit of 5 % of the order value in the form of irrevocable Bank Guarantee from any Indian Schedule Bank in favour of “State Health Society, Assam” or as specified by the procuring agency. Such Bank Guarantee shall be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of Purchase Order. If the supplier fails to execute the order or fails to perform the services as per agreement, in addition to other penal actions, the Bank Guarantee shall be encashed and the amount will be forfeited.
- ANNULMENT OF AWARD, FORFEITURE OF SECURITY DEPOSIT & FRESH AWARD: Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirements of submission of performance security within the time schedule as stipulated above shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security. Under such a situation, the proposal may be reviewed for award of the contract on the next lowest evaluated technically qualified bidder or go for a fresh bid depending on the circumstance.
- PENALTY FOR DELAY IN SUPPLY OF ITEMS:In case there is delay in delivery beyond the stipulated period as mentioned in the purchase order, there shall be penal deduction @ 0.5% of the value of delayed goods per week of delay or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of the total order value.
- Once the maximum price reduction is reached, termination of the contract may be considered. Non-performance of the contract provisions shall make the successful bidder liable to be disqualified to participate in any tender for the next 5 years, in addition to forfeiture of Security Deposit and other penal actions.
- DURATION RATE CONTRACT : Two year Rate Contract starting from the date of signing of rate contract agreement and ending on 31.03.2019. If the firm is Blacklisted/Debarred by State Govt. of Assam or NHM, Assam during rate contract period/ after rate contract period, the firm has to follow below mentioned conditions:-
- Further Purchase orders should not be placed to firm.
- Purchase orders in process shall be cancelled.
- All unconsumed stock from DDWs should be lifted on the cost of firm.
- If payment is made for unconsumed stock it should be recovered from firm.
- All rate contracts should be cancelled.
- ROAD PERMIT : Arrangement of Road Permits for dispatch of consignments shall be the responsibility of the supplier only.
- PAYMENT PROVISIONS : Full payment will be released on completion of supply of all ordered items against submission of bills/invoices in triplicate along with receipted challans bearing stock entry details. On completion of supplies of ordered quantities bills/ Invoices along with Batch Analysis report from NABL Certified Labs (self attested copy) for every batch supplied should be submitted in triplicate in the name of the Tender Inviting Authority/Procuring Agency with address.
All other Terms & Conditions as specified in the TENDER NO: NHM/PROC/RC-DRUGS/ECL-LIL/3407/2017-18/18012,Date:-23.09.2017 & Corregendum No.NHM/PROC/RC-DRUGS/ECL-LIL/3407/2017-18 /20741,Date:-27.10.2017 shall be applicable.
Annexure A:
Sl |
Item Name |
Dosage form and strength |
Pack Size |
Rate (Inclussive of GST)(Rs) |
Total quantity to be supplied |
Total Amount |
Delivery Destinations |
1 |
Bed Sheet ( Superior quality long cloth bleached sp-187-1978 variety 2) 254 cm x 137 cm, 425 gm. |
254 cm x 137 cm, 425 gm. |
Per Piece |
194.250 |
19350 |
3758737.5 |
1) |
Central Store, FAAMCH |
250 |
2) |
Central Store, SMCH |
1500 |
3) |
Central Store, AMCH |
10000 |
4) |
Central Store, JMCH |
600 |
5) |
Central Store, GMCH |
6000 |
6) |
Central Store, TMCH |
1000 |
2 |
PPE Kit double packed with ETO sterilised. |
Each kit has disposable: Cap-1,N-95 mask -1, Zero powered goggles -1 pair, Gloves-1 pair, Shoe cover up to knee length-1 pair, Coverall-1 , Disposable waste collection bag-1. |
Per Kit |
116.550 |
3000 |
349650 |
1) |
Central Store, FAAMCH |
150 |
2) |
Central Store, SMCH |
100 |
3) |
Central Store, AMCH |
1000 |
4) |
Central Store, JMCH |
250 |
5) |
Central Store, GMCH |
1500 |
(J.V.N. Subramanyam, IAS)
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Memo No: NHM/PROC/RC-DRUGS/ECL-LIL/3407/2017-18/SPO-10511 |
Date: 31/03/2018 |
Copy to:
1) PS to Honble Minister 2) Principal Secretary, H&FW 3) Director of Medical Education,Assam for information. 4) Superintendent,GMCH/AMCH/JMCH/SMCH/FAAMCH/TMCH for information and necessary action. 5) i/c CMS,GMCH/AMCH/JMCH/SMCH/FAAMCH/TMCH for information and necessary action.
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam |