Saikia Commercial Complex, Sri Nagar Path, Near Post office Bus Stand
G. S. Road, Christianbasti, Guwahati - 781005
Website : https://nhm.assam.gov.in E_mail ID : [email protected]
File No: NHM/PROC/NCD/EQUIP-INST/2402/2014-15/Part A/36915/SPO-10599 |
Date: 03/02/2018 |
J.V.N. Subramanyam, IAS
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Itas G Pharma
ML Nehru Road, Panbazar, Guwahati-781001
Supply of Single use Pressure activated Auto Disable Safety Lancet for NCD Programme
Your quotation against NHM, Assam Tender No. NRHM/PROC/NCD/EQUIP-INST/2402/2014-15/20263___, DATE:-__07/3/15____ & CORRIGENDUM NO. _______________________, DATE:-__________
Sir/ Madam,
With reference to above, we are pleased to place this order for supply of Single use Pressure activated Auto Disable Safety Lancet for NCD Programme as per terms & conditions below-
FMR Code : B16.2.11.8c
Item Name |
Quantity |
Rate(Exclussive of GST) |
GST(%) |
Total Amount(Incl. GST) |
Delivery Destinations |
Auto Disable Safety Lancet ( ) |
824000 |
2.809 |
18 |
2,731,246.88 |
As per annexure A |
Grand Total |
2,731,246.88 |
Terms & Conditions:
- The above price is on FOR destination basis inclusive of all costs. All admissible taxes as applicable as per existing Govt. rules are liable to be deducted from invoices.
- Delivery of full quantity to be completed within 45 days from the date of issue of this order.
- The MRP labels (if any) imprinted on the packet of the Lancet may be strikedout and ‘NHM’ Logogram affixed prior to commencement of supply.
- The supplied items shall be strictly in conformity with the specifications. If any of the items are found to be inferior or sub standard in quality the same must be replaced with acceptable quality at supplier’s cost within a period of two weeks from date of intimation. In case of failure to replace the defective goods on time or in the event the replaced goods are found inferior or substandard in quality, the supplier will be liable to be blacklisted.
- In case there is delay in delivery beyond the stipulated period as mentioned, there shall be reduction in price @0.5% of the value of delayed goods per week of delay or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of the total order value.
- The suppliers shall have to enter into a “Deed of Agreement” for execution of the supply order as per terms & condition given herewith within 10 (ten) days of issue of this order.
- The Supplier shall have to furnish “Security Deposit” @ 5% of the total order value in the form of “Bank Guarantee” of a scheduled Indian Bank in favour of “State Health Society, Assam” valid for a period of 1 year from the date of the order. However, if you fail to execute the order or to perform the services as per agreement, in addition to other penal actions, the bank guarantee shall be encashed and the amount forfeited.
- Any Dispute arising out of the above order shall be referred to the Court within the Guahati Jurisdiction of State of Assam.
- All other Terms & Conditions incorporated in the NRHM/PROC/NCD/EQUIP-INST/2402/2014-15/20263 Dt. 07/3/15 shall be applicable.
Yours faithfully,
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Annexure A:
Sl |
Item Name |
Rate(Exclussive of GST) | GST(%) | Total quantity to be supplied |
Total Amount | Delivery Destinations |
1 |
Auto Disable Safety Lancet |
2.809 | 18 | 824000 |
2731246.88 |
1) |
DDWH, Jorhat |
115200 |
2) |
DDWH, Kamrup Metro |
224000 |
3) |
DDWH, Lakhimpur |
124800 |
4) |
DDWH, Dibrugarh |
184800 |
5) |
DDWH, Sivasagar |
175200 |
(J.V.N. Subramanyam, IAS)
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Memo No: NHM/PROC/NCD/EQUIP-INST/2402/2014-15/Part A/36915/SPO-10599 |
Date: 03/02/2018 |
Copy to:
1) PS to Honble Minister
2) Principal Secretary, H&FW
3) Jt. DHS, Jorhat, Kamrup Metro, Lakhimpur, Dibrugarh, Sivasagar,
4) DPM/ DDSM, Jorhat, Kamrup Metro, Lakhimpur, Dibrugarh, Sivasagar,
5) District Nodal Officer, NCD/Dist. Progg Officer, NCD/Dist. Progg Co-Ordinator, NCD
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam |