Saikia Commercial Complex, Sri Nagar Path, Near Post office Bus Stand
G. S. Road, Christianbasti, Guwahati - 781005
Website : https://nhm.assam.gov.in E_mail ID : [email protected]
File No: NHM/MH/Procurement/Equipments/3400/2017-18/SPO-11987 |
Date: 00/00/0000 |
Dr Lakshmanan S, IAS
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Prostarm Info Systems Ltd,
321, Patil Nagar, Bawdhan Budruk, Pune-411021
Supply order for 5 KVA online UPS System
Your quotation against NHM, Assam Tender No. NHM/PROC/Online UPS & Voltage Stabilizer/2018-19/6181 , DATE:- 5/06/2018
With reference to above, we are pleased to place this order for 5 KVA online UPS System as per “DETAILS OF ITEMS & PRICES” and “TERMS & CONDITIONS” stated herein below:
FMR Code :
Item Name |
Quantity |
Rate(Exclussive of GST) |
GST(%) |
Total Amount(Incl. GST) |
Delivery Destinations |
5 KVA Online UPS System ( ) |
2 |
110000.000 |
18 |
259,600.00 |
As per annexure B |
Grand Total |
259,600.00 |
Terms & Conditions of the Supply order is described below: -
Annexure A:
Sl |
Item Name |
Rate(Exclussive of GST) | GST(%) | Total quantity to be supplied |
Total Amount | Delivery Destinations' Districts |
1 |
5 KVA Online UPS System Make: Best Power Equipment PVT. LTD Model: Warranty: 2 YEARS |
110000.000 | 18 | 2 |
259600 |
1) |
DDWH, Kamrup Rural |
1 |
2) |
DDWH, Cachar |
1 |
(Dr Lakshmanan S, IAS)
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Memo No: NHM/MH/Procurement/Equipments/3400/2017-18/SPO-11987 |
Date: 00/00/0000 |
Copy to:
1) PS to Honble Minister, H&FW Deptt. GoA for kind information
2) Principal Secretary, H&FW Deptt. GoA. for kind information
3) The Deputy Commissioner, Cachar/ Kamrup Rural District for information
4) The Jt. DHS, Cachar/ Kamrup Rural District for information
5) The Consultant Maternal Health, NHM Assam for information
6) The Dy Supdt., Katigarh Model Hospital, Cachar District/Mirza FRU, Kamrup Rural
7) The DPM/ DDSM, Cachar/ Kamrup Rural District
8) The JE (Inst), Cachar,Kamrup Rural. They should forward copies of this order and list of institutions where goods are to be delivered, and ensure that receipt and satisfactory installation certificates duly signed and sealed by the head of the institution are forwarded to this office for release of payment to supplier. (Certificate to the effect that the articles has been entered in to stock ledger no. ……………. At page no ………….. dt………….). They are also requested to receive and issue the items online in the portal nrhmassam.info
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam |