 OFFICE OF THE MISSION DIRECTOR NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION, ASSAM Saikia Commercial Complex, Sri Nagar Path, Near Post office Bus Stand G. S. Road, Christianbasti, Guwahati - 781005 Website : https://nhm.assam.gov.in E_mail ID : [email protected]
File No: NHM-18017/12/2018-Procurement-NHM/ECF69957/SPO-13347 |
Date: 00/00/0000 |
Dr Lakshmanan S, IAS
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Saptarshi industries 20, J.B. Lane, Jorpukhuri (East), Uzanbazar, Guwahati-781001
Order for supply of ASHA Dress for URBAN
Your quotation against NHM, Assam Tender No. NHM/PROC/ASHA/DRESS/3620/2017-18/111, DATE 3-04-2018 & CORRIGENDUM NO. NHM/PROC/ASHA/DRESS/3620/2017-18/54-P DATE 25-04-2018.
With reference to above, we are pleased to place this order for supply of ASHA Dress as per “DETAILS OF ITEMS & PRICES” and “TERMS & CONDITIONS” stated herein below:
FMR Code : U.3.1.3
Item Name |
Quantity |
Rate(Exclussive of GST) |
GST(%) |
Total Amount(Incl. GST) |
Delivery Destinations |
Chadar for ASHA ( ) |
985 |
175.500 |
5 |
181,510.88 |
As per annexure A |
Mekhala for ASHA ( ) |
985 |
175.500 |
5 |
181,510.88 |
As per annexure A |
Dokhna for ASHA ( ) |
1 |
380.000 |
5 |
399.00 |
As per annexure A |
Saree for ASHA ( ) |
206 |
351.000 |
5 |
75,921.30 |
As per annexure A |
Pekok for ASHA ( ) |
20 |
249.750 |
5 |
5,244.75 |
As per annexure A |
Grand Total |
444,586.80 |
Terms & Conditions of the Supply order is described below: -
- SCOPE OF WORK: Supplier have to supply the ordered items to District Drug Ware Houses located at different districts of the state of Assam as per the Annexure enclosed with the supply order .
- DELIVERY PERIOD : Supply shall commence within best possible time from the date of placement of order and supply of full quantity should be completed within 60 days from the date of issuing the supply order.
- SECURITY DEPOSIT : The Supplier shall have to submit “Security Deposit” @ 5% of the total order value in the form of “Bank Guarantee” valid for a period of 6 months from the date of order in favour of “State Health Society, Assam” within 15 working days .
- PENALTY FOR DELAY IN SUPPLY OF ITEMS: In case there is delay in delivery beyond the stipulated period as mentioned in the purchase order, there shall be penal deduction @ 0.5% of the value of delayed goods per week of delay or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of the total order value.
- ROAD PERMIT : Arrangement of Road Permits for dispatch of consignments shall be the responsibility of the supplier only.
- PAYMENT PROVISIONS : Full payment will be released on completion of supply of all ordered items against submission of bills/invoices in triplicate along with receipted challans bearing stock entry details and Govt. approved NABL accredited test laboratory certificate for every items.
All other Terms & Conditions as specified in the Tender No: NHM/PROC/ASHA/DRESS/3620/2017-18/111 Dated 03-04-2018 & Corrigendum No. NHM/PROC/ASHA/ DRESS/3620/2017-18/54- P Dated 25-4-2018 shall be applicable.
Annexure A:
Sl |
Item Name |
Rate(Exclussive of GST) | GST(%) | Total quantity to be supplied |
Total Amount | Delivery Destinations |
1 |
Chadar for ASHA |
175.500 | 5 | 985 |
181510.875 |
1) |
DDWH, Bongaigaon |
52 |
2) |
DDWH, Lakhimpur |
35 |
3) |
DDWH, Nagaon |
60 |
4) |
DDWH, Dhubri |
34 |
5) |
DDWH, Dibrugarh |
81 |
6) |
DDWH, Sivasagar |
50 |
7) |
DDWH, Sonitpur |
84 |
8) |
DDWH, Goalpara |
42 |
9) |
DDWH, Tinsukia |
30 |
10) |
DDWH, Jorhat |
52 |
11) |
DDWH, Kamrup Metro |
465 |
2 |
Mekhala for ASHA |
175.500 | 5 | 985 |
181510.875 |
1) |
DDWH, Bongaigaon |
52 |
2) |
DDWH, Lakhimpur |
35 |
3) |
DDWH, Nagaon |
60 |
4) |
DDWH, Dhubri |
34 |
5) |
DDWH, Dibrugarh |
81 |
6) |
DDWH, Sivasagar |
50 |
7) |
DDWH, Sonitpur |
84 |
8) |
DDWH, Goalpara |
42 |
9) |
DDWH, Tinsukia |
30 |
10) |
DDWH, Jorhat |
52 |
11) |
DDWH, Kamrup Metro |
465 |
3 |
Dokhna for ASHA |
380.000 | 5 | 1 |
399 |
4 |
Saree for ASHA |
351.000 | 5 | 206 |
75921.3 |
1) |
DDWH, Karbi Anglong |
11 |
2) |
DDWH, Karimganj |
30 |
3) |
DDWH, Cachar |
81 |
4) |
DDWH, Dhubri |
51 |
5) |
DDWH, Sonitpur |
3 |
6) |
DDWH, Tinsukia |
27 |
7) |
DDWH, Jorhat |
3 |
5 |
Pekok for ASHA |
249.750 | 5 | 20 |
5244.75 |
1) |
DDWH, Karbi Anglong |
20 |
(Dr Lakshmanan S, IAS)
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Memo No: NHM-18017/12/2018-Procurement-NHM/ECF69957/SPO-13347 |
Date: 00/00/0000 |
Copy to:
1) Principal Secretary, H&FW Deptt. GoA. for kind information 2) The Commissioner & Secretary, Govt. of Assam , Health & F.W. Deptt. Dispur for information 3) The Deputy Commissioner, all districts for information 4) The Principal Secretary, All Autonomous Council for information 5) The Director of Medical Education, Assam for information 6) The Director of Health Services, Assam for information 7) The Joint DHS, all districts for information. 8) The DPM,NHM, all districts for information 9) The DDSM,NHM all Districts- To receive materials as per terms of this order and incorporate stock entry details on the body of challan with official seal & signature. 10) PS to Honble Minister, H&FW Deptt. GoA for kind information 11)
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam |