Saikia Commercial Complex, Sri Nagar Path, Near Post office Bus Stand
G. S. Road, Christianbasti, Guwahati - 781005
Website : https://nhm.assam.gov.in E_mail ID : [email protected]
File No: NHM-18011/3/2022-PROC-NHM/ECF:186825/SPO-13998 |
Date: 24/01/2022 |
Dr Lakshmanan S, IAS
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Protech Telelinks
Ogli Suketi Road, Amb, Sirmaur,Himachal Pradesh- 173030
Supply order for Inj. Piperacillin & Tazobactam 4.5gm
With reference to above, we are pleased to place this order for supply of Inj. Piperacillin & Tazobactam 4.5gm as per “DETAILS OF ITEMS & PRICES” and “TERMS & CONDITIONS” stated herein below:
FMR Code : State budget for free Drugs,FY 20-21
Item Name |
Quantity |
Rate(Exclussive of GST) |
GST(%) |
Total Amount(Incl. GST) |
Delivery Destinations |
Piperacillin (A) + Tazobactam (B) (Powder for Injection 4 g (A) + 500 mg (B) ) |
244000 |
62.000 |
12 |
16,943,360.00 |
As per annexure A |
Grand Total |
16,943,360.00 |
Terms & Conditions of the Supply order is described below: -
Supply of full ordered quantity to be completed by 14 days from the placement of purchase order. However due to urgency to meetup the requirement of the peripheral hospitals for containment of COVID-19, you are hereby requested to complete the supply within the best possible time.
Payment will be made within best possible time from receipt and acceptance of materials at destination against submission of bill & receipted challan (in triplicate) with stock entry certification & NABL test reports of batch supplied.
Delay penalty will be imposed as per Tender clause.
Any Dispute arising out of the above order shall be referred to the Court within the Guwahati Jurisdiction of State of Assam.
All other Terms & Conditions as specified in the TENDER under reference shall be applicable.
Person to be contacted Mrs. M.Devi (9435142626), Mr. Sandip Dutta (9864139342) & Mr. Dino Sarma (9864500707)
Annexure A:
Sl |
Item Name |
Specification | Rate(Exclussive of GST) | GST(%) | Total quantity to be supplied |
Total Amount | Delivery Destinations |
1 |
Piperacillin (A) + Tazobactam (B) |
Powder for Injection 4 g (A) + 500 mg (B) |
62.000 | 12 | 244000 |
16943360 |
1) |
Central Drug Ware House, NHM, Narengi, Guwahati, Assam |
244000 |
(Dr Lakshmanan S, IAS)
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Memo No: NHM-18011/3/2022-PROC-NHM/ECF:186825/SPO-13998 |
Date: 24/01/2022 |
Copy to:
1) Principal Secretary, H&FW Deptt. GoA. for kind information
2) Managing Director, Assam Medical Services Corporation Limitted for kind information
3) Director of Medical Education, Assam for information
4) Director of Health Services, Assam for information
5) Drugs Controller, Assam/Assistant Drugs Controller(India),CDSCO, Sub-Zonal Office, Guwahati, Assam . He is requested to collect the samples/inform the Inspector of drugs to collect the different batches of drugs to be supplied to Districts and Medical Colleges and send regularly to Govt. Labs. or any other empanelled Labs for analytical quality testing and submit the report to the undersigned in details
6) Executive Director, NHM, Assam for information.
7) DSM, i/c CDWH/OM(S&T)/Pharmacist-CDWH, NHM, SHQ, Store for information & needful.
8) PS to Honble Minister, H&FW Deptt. GoA for kind information
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam |