 OFFICE OF THE MISSION DIRECTOR NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION, ASSAM Saikia Commercial Complex, Sri Nagar Path, Near Post office Bus Stand G. S. Road, Christianbasti, Guwahati - 781005 Website : https://nhm.assam.gov.in E_mail ID : [email protected]
File No: NHM-41012/6/2018-IDSP-NHM/ECF91546/SPO-14051 |
Date: 24/02/2022 |
Dr Lakshmanan S, IAS
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
M.B Traders Upaxona Complex, 2nd Floor, G.S. Road, Ulubari, Guwahati-781007
Supply order of Equipment/instrument for DPHL Hojai & Charaideo
Your quotation against NHM, Assam Tender No. NHM/18017/60/2020-Procurement/ 22834 Dated: 01/12/2020 and NHM/18017/21/2020-Procurement/24891, Dated : 28/12/2020
With reference to above, we are pleased to place this order for supply of Equipment/instrument as per “DETAILS OF ITEMS & PRICES” and “TERMS & CONDITIONS” stated herein below:
FMR Code :
Item Name |
Quantity |
Rate(Exclussive of GST) |
GST(%) |
Total Amount(Incl. GST) |
Delivery Destinations |
2 |
24800.000 |
18 |
58,528.00 |
As per annexure B |
Water bath ( Make: Weswox) ( ) |
2 |
13888.000 |
18 |
32,775.68 |
As per annexure B |
Reagent Refrigerator Storage with external temperature indicator (Imperial Biotech LLP) ( ) |
2 |
47250.000 |
18 |
111,510.00 |
As per annexure B |
Autolave with Dressing Drum (50 lts) ( ) |
2 |
57200.000 |
18 |
134,992.00 |
As per annexure B |
Deep Freezer (-80◦C) ( ) |
2 |
236250.000 |
18 |
557,550.00 |
As per annexure B |
Grand Total |
895,355.68 |
Terms & Conditions of the Supply order is described below: -
- The above price is on FOR destination basis inclusive of all, transportation, transit insurance, loading & unloading and any other incidental charge. All admissible taxes as applicable as per existing Govt. rules are liable to be deducted from invoices
- The supplied items shall be strictly in conformity with the specifications. If any of the items are found to be inferior or sub standard in quality the same must be replaced with acceptable quality at supplier’s cost within a period of two weeks from date of intimation. In case of failure to replace the defective goods on time or in the event the replaced goods are found inferior or substandard in quality, the supplier will be liable to be blacklisted.
- Delivery and installation of ordered items to be completed within 60 (Sixty) days from the date of issue of this order. However, you are requested to commence supply at the earliest.
- In case there is delay in delivery beyond the stipulated period as mentioned, there shall be reduction in price @0.5% for the item"Autolave with Dressing Drum (50 lts)" and for other items 1% of the value of delayed goods per week of delay or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of the total order value.(as per tender reference tender nos.)
- Ninety (90) % payment will be released on delivery of the items and balance Ten (10) % will be released after satisfactory installation of the items after submission of bills,challan and installation reports.
- The Supplier shall have to furnish “Security Deposit” @ 5% of the total order value in the form of “Bank Guarantee” of a scheduled Indian Bank in favour of “State Health Society, Assam” valid upto warranty period, within 10 (ten) days of issue of the purchase order.
- All other Terms & Conditions as specified in the tender reference : NHM/18017/60/2020-Procurement/ 22834 Dated: 01/12/2020 and NHM/18017/21/2020-Procurement/24891, Dated : 28/12/2020 shall be applicable.
Annexure A:
Sl |
Item Name |
Rate(Exclussive of GST) | GST(%) | Total quantity to be supplied |
Total Amount | Delivery Destinations' Districts |
1 |
ELECTRIC CENTRIFUGE TABLE TOP Make: Weswox Model: WSP-8M Warranty: 5 Years |
24800.000 | 18 | 2 |
58528 |
1) |
DDWH, Hojai |
1 |
2) |
DDWH, Charaideo |
1 |
2 |
Water bath ( Make: Weswox) Make: Weswox Model: WB-2020A Warranty: 2 Years |
13888.000 | 18 | 2 |
32775.68 |
1) |
DDWH, Hojai |
1 |
2) |
DDWH, Charaideo |
1 |
3 |
Reagent Refrigerator Storage with external temperature indicator (Imperial Biotech LLP) Make: Imperial Biotech LLP Model: IRR 300 Warranty: 5 Years |
47250.000 | 18 | 2 |
111510 |
1) |
DDWH, Hojai |
1 |
2) |
DDWH, Charaideo |
1 |
4 |
Autolave with Dressing Drum (50 lts) Make: Narayana Industries Model: MS 805 Warranty: 3 Years |
57200.000 | 18 | 2 |
134992 |
1) |
DDWH, Hojai |
1 |
2) |
DDWH, Charaideo |
1 |
5 |
Deep Freezer (-80◦C) Make: Imperial Biotech LLP Model: IDPF-200 Warranty: 3 Years |
236250.000 | 18 | 2 |
557550 |
1) |
DDWH, Hojai |
1 |
2) |
DDWH, Charaideo |
1 |
(Dr Lakshmanan S, IAS)
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam
Memo No: NHM-41012/6/2018-IDSP-NHM/ECF91546/SPO-14051 |
Date: 24/02/2022 |
Copy to:
1) PS to Honble Minister, H&FW Deptt. GoA for kind information 2) Principal Secretary, H&FW Deptt. GoA. for kind information 3) The Managing Director Assam Medical Services Corporation Limited for information 4) The Deputy Commissioner, Hojai and Charaideo District for information 5) The Joint DHS cum Member Secretary, Hojai and Charaideo District for information 6) The Superintendent concerned DPHL,Hojai and Charaideo for information 7) The DPM, NHM, Hojai and Charaideo District for information and necessary action 8) The DDSM, NHM,Hojai and Charaideo District for information and necessary action 9) The JE(Inst), NHM,Hojai and Charaideo District for information and necessary action 10) The M/s TBS India Pvt. Ltd. for tagging and mapping of the items
Mission Director
National Health Mission, Assam |