MODULE: Purchase Order

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PO NO PO Date Supplier
Item Details
Performance BG Delivery Period
Purchase Order Destination Distribution Not Done Yet!!!
NHM/PROC/RC-DRUGS/NEW EDL/3040/16-17/MED COL/SPO-10623 2018-06-15 Boehringer Ingelheim India Pvt. Ltd
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Alteplase Recombinant (Powder for Injection 50 mg ) 50 33910.699 0 1695534.95
Alteplase Recombinant (Powder for Injection 20 mg ) 100 16214.700 0 1621470
B. G. No: 0999518FG0001241
B. G. Date: 2018-07-19
Bank: SBI
Branch: MUMBAI
B. G. Valid Upto: 2019-08-30
Value of B. G.: 165850

180 Days
Purchase Order Destination Distribution Not Done Yet!!!
NHM/PROC/RC-DRUGS/NEW EDL/3040/16-17/MED COL/SPO-10632 2018-06-15 CMG Biotech
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Leflunomide (Tablet 10 mg ) 5350 3.230 0 17280.5
B. G. No: 123456
B. G. Date: 0000-00-00
Bank: Not applicable
Branch: N/A
B. G. Valid Upto: 0000-00-00
Value of B. G.: 0

480 Days
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