MODULE: Purchase Order

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NHM/PROC/RC-DRUG/ESL-NEW/3380/2017-18/39276/DDWH/SPO-10535 2018-02-20 Delux Surgical.
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Urine Collection bag, disposable, 2000 ml ( 2000 ml ) 57200 9.420 0 538824
Blood Administration Set / Blood Transfusion Set ( ) 32950 8.900 0 293255
Sterile Disposable Perfusion Set (Infusion set) with Airway and Needle (Paediatric Use) ( ) 37000 25.700 0 950900
B. G. No: 006GT02180960015
B. G. Date: 2018-04-06
Bank: HDFC
Branch: Gujrat
B. G. Valid Upto: 2019-02-20
Value of B. G.: 226070

365 Days
Purchase Order Destination Distribution Not Done Yet!!!
NHM/PROC/RC-DRUG/ESL-NEW/3380/2017-18/39486/DDWH/SPO-10556 2018-02-20 Medi Safe International
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Oxygen mask (Paediatric) ( ) 8500 21.170 0 179945
Oxygen Mask (Adult) ( ) 12250 21.250 0 260312.5
Ambu Bag Neonate 250 ml ( 250 ml ) 1900 378.560 0 719264
Ambu Bag Pediatric 500ml ( 500ml ) 1750 377.440 0 660520
Ambu Bag Adult 1000 ml (1000 ml ) 1560 483.840 0 754790.4
B. G. No: 03920100000076
B. G. Date: 2018-02-23
Bank: Axis Bank
Branch: Mumbai-400708
B. G. Valid Upto: 2019-02-22
Value of B. G.: 199553

365 Days
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