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NHM-18017/17/2021-Procurement-NHM-National Health Mission/SPO-13510 0000-00-00 M.B Traders
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Autoclave (Vertical) ( ) 1 60960.000 18 71932.8
Performance Bank Guarantee not submitted for this PO!

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60 Days
Purchase Order Destination Distribution Not Done Yet!!!
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Bed Side Screen-3 Fold ( ) 10 2880.000 18 33984
ICU Bed with Mattress ( ) 10 35880.000 18 423384
Revolving Stool ( ) 10 1550.000 18 18290
Instrument Trolley ( ) 4 6850.000 18 32332
Bed Side Locker ( ) 10 3830.000 18 45194
IV Stand ( ) 10 2050.000 18 24190
Patient's Examination Couch with Foot Step(Single) ( ) 1 19490.000 18 22998.2
Invalid Wheel Chair ( ) 5 4980.000 5 26145
Stretcher on Trolley ( ) 5 8470.000 18 49973
Mayo's Instrument Trolley ( ) 10 6880.000 18 81184
Doctor's Table ( ) 6 6180.000 18 43754.4
Instrument Cabinet ( ) 3 10780.000 18 38161.2
Doctor's Chair ( ) 6 3800.000 18 26904
Office Chair ( ) 6 4090.000 18 28957.2
Visitor's Chair ( ) 3 1880.000 18 6655.2
Performance Bank Guarantee not submitted for this PO!

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