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NHM/PROC/Equip-Inst & furniture/NewPHC/3461/2017-18/SPO-12120 0000-00-00 Itas G Pharma
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Invalid Wheel Chair ( ) 22 4800.000 5 110880
IV Stand ( ) 88 2190.000 18 227409.6
Labour Table with Foam Mattress ( ) 11 32400.000 18 420552
Foot Step Double ( ) 44 2050.000 18 106436
Bed Side Locker ( ) 66 3900.000 18 303732
Patient's Examination Couch with Foot Step(Single) ( ) 33 19900.000 18 774906
B. G. No: 0543BGR0017420
B. G. Date: 2020-01-06
B. G. Valid Upto: 2022-01-05
Value of B. G.: 97200

90 Days
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NHM-39011/1/2018-Nursing-NHM/SPO-12156 0000-00-00 VIKAS MEDICAL DEVICES
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Female catherization Mannequin ( ) 1 40900.000 18 48262
Performance Bank Guarantee not submitted for this PO!

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90 Days
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