MODULE: Purchase Order

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PO NO PO Date Supplier
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Purchase Order Destination Distribution Not Done Yet!!!
NHM/PROC/RC-DRUG/NEW-EDL/DROP&ADD/3363/2017-18/21632/SPO-10064 2017-11-04 Ciron Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Antacid Gel (Each 10 ml contains-Dried Aluminum Hydrocholrid Gel IP 250 mg, Magnesium Hydrochloride IP 250 mg. ) 31700 9.740 0 308758
Carboprost Tromethamine (Inj 250 mcg/ml IP ) 1330 76.160 0 101292.8
Amphotericin B (Conventional) (Powder for Injection 50 mg ) 400 96.600 0 38640
Theophyline(A) & Etophylline (B) (Inj 50.6mg(A) & 169.4 mg(B) ) 8700 5.880 0 51156
B. G. No: 267GM01173210002
B. G. Date: 2017-11-17
B. G. Valid Upto: 2018-11-16
Value of B. G.: 25000

365 Days
Purchase Order Destination Distribution Not Done Yet!!!
NHM/PROC/RC-DRUG/NEW-EDL/DROP&ADD/3363/2017-18/21727/SPO-10074 2017-11-04 Hindustan Laboratories
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Calcium Carbonate (Tablet 500 mg IP with D3 Tablet ) 992300 0.240 0 238152
B. G. No: 006017IGPER0048
B. G. Date: 2017-09-19
Branch: MUMBAI
B. G. Valid Upto: 2018-11-30
Value of B. G.: 11908

365 Days
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