MODULE: Purchase Order

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PO NO PO Date Supplier
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NHM/Equip-Inst/Model Hospital/2019-20/SPO-11565 0000-00-00 Systronics
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Binocular microscope ( ) 1 20355.000 18 24018.9
Semi Auto Analyser ( ) 1 74998.000 18 88497.64
Vibration free refrigerator with servo voltage stabilizer and circular chart for blood storage ( ) 1 142520.000 18 168173.6
B. G. No: 045519ILFIN6788
B. G. Date: 2019-08-06
Branch: A.T. ROAD
B. G. Valid Upto: 2019-07-31
Value of B. G.: 14050

60 Days
Purchase Order Destination Distribution Not Done Yet!!!
NHM/MH/LAQSHYA/3557/2017-18/SPO-11594 0000-00-00 Itas G Pharma
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Foot Step Double ( ) 277 2050.000 18 670063
Labour Table with Foam Mattress ( ) 69 32400.000 18 2638008
Foetal Doppler ( ) 124 4900.000 18 716968
Electronic Baby Weighing Machine ( ) 154 3900.000 18 708708
Thermometer, Clinical digital (32 deg C-43 deg C) ( ) 326 80.000 18 30774.4
Invalid Wheel Chair ( ) 74 4800.000 5 372960
Stretcher on Trolley ( ) 132 13900.000 18 2165064
Electric needle destroyer ( ) 206 1248.000 18 303363.84
Foot operated Suction Pump ( ) 229 4100.000 12 1051568
Performance Bank Guarantee not submitted for this PO!

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