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NHM/NCD/FURNITURE & EQUIPMENTS/1070/14-15/PART-I/ECF147947/SPO-13382 0000-00-00 Itas G Pharma
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Student’s Chairs ( ) 60 3900.000 18 276120
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HS/IDD/Salt Kit/20/ECF149907/SPO-13346 0000-00-00 Dal Thom's Scientific
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Salt Testing Kit (20 ml testing solution or testing capacity of 75-100 samples. ) 140000 29.650 18 4898180
B. G. No: 6379620BG0000002
B. G. Date: 2020-12-03
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: SME Ulubari
B. G. Valid Upto: 2022-12-02
Value of B. G.: 245000

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