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NHM/PROC/EQUIP-INST & FURNITURE/New PHC/3461/2017-18/SPO-12225 0000-00-00 Itas G Pharma
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Electronic Baby Weighing Machine ( ) 11 3900.000 18 50622
Thermometer, Clinical digital (32 deg C-43 deg C) ( ) 33 80.000 18 3115.2
Fumigation machine ( ) 11 7900.000 18 102542
Instrument Tray with cover ss ( ) 99 650.000 12 72072
Needle Destroyer (Electrical) ( ) 22 1248.000 18 32398.08
Operating Table Minor ( ) 11 39900.000 18 517902
Oxygen cylinder trolly ( ) 22 1850.000 18 48026
Radiant Warmer ( ) 11 42500.000 12 523600
Resusciator, neonate 500 ml ( ) 11 700.000 12 8624
Resusciator, neonate 250 ml ( ) 11 700.000 12 8624
Shadowless light ( ) 11 54800.000 12 675136
Stethoscope (A) ( ) 33 345.000 12 12751.2
Suction Pump ,Portable ( ) 22 10900.000 12 268576
X-ray view box ( ) 22 2200.000 18 57112
B. G. No: 0543BGR0025620
B. G. Date: 2020-03-19
Bank: ICICI Bank
Branch: Megha Branch, Guwahati
B. G. Valid Upto: 2023-03-18
Value of B. G.: 119100

60 Days
Purchase Order Destination Distribution Not Done Yet!!!
NHM-11021/9/2018-MH-NHM Part-I/SPO-12237 0000-00-00 M/S Maa Manasha Printers
Item Name Qty Rate VAT Total Distribution Details
Evacuation Register with Carbon Copy ( ) 300 260.000 18 92040
Admission register with Carbon Copy ( ) 295 320.000 18 111392
B. G. No: 03200BG3BGT20000018
B. G. Date: 2020-03-04
Bank: Central bank
Branch: Ulubari
B. G. Valid Upto: 2021-03-03
Value of B. G.: 10172.00

30 Days
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